Three Moments of Our Trainings
These exemplary situations illustrate the different roles the horses can play as your trainers to help you open your eyes for a new perspective on your own role in everyday life as a leader.
Mrs Miller
The managing director of a large company from the Leipzig region had difficulties with his assistant, Mrs Miller (renamed). In his opinion, Mrs Miller was unfriendly and uncooperative. Our client had thought about resigning his assistant.
In one of our meetings we worked on this problem. We asked our client to walk with "trainer" Raffaello, alias Mrs Miller. The two had to master a course that symbolized everyday life in the company. Our client came back with his four-legged "Mrs Miller" and was annoyed. His statement was: Raffaello is just as unpleasant as Mrs Miller!
My reaction: How can that be? Raffaello doesn't know Mrs. Miller and he doesn't understand our digital language. Well, he can't even know what she's like.
Realization: Our client noticed that Raffaello reacted directly to him, reflected his feelings etc.
Task: How do I get along with Mrs Miller?
1 We can and must never change or manipulate another person.
2. How can we change our thoughts and feelings in such a way that others and ourselves feel well?
In further "role plays" with the horses, our client worked out how he would like to have the relationship with his assistant.
After six weeks in which he had time to apply what he had learned in everyday life, he came back and said that he would keep Mrs Miller.
Sales Conversation
The sales team of a technical company had booked a seminar with us. In order to be able to offer their products, the sellers needed data sheets. The goal of the seminar was to find out sales strengths and to stabilize the contact to the customer.
Test arrangement: A course was set up that symbolized the product. The salesman led the horse. His customer, played by a colleague blindfolded, held on to the horse's back and was guided through the course.
The salesman and the horse were determined to complete the course. After completing the task, I asked the 'customer' how he felt about it. He didn't feel very good. Why? The salesman had solved the technical task, the guiding of the horse, well, but the customer had hardly come along, because the salesman had not at all dealt with him. Now I asked whether the seller was more familiar with the data sheets, i.e. the technical information which the other colleagues affirmed.
The next step was for the customer to guide the horse through the course, again blindfolded – and the salesman to give him the appropriate instructions. The customer felt much better off with this task, as the salesperson had to respond directly to him. This second 'sales conversation' led to a clear success compared to the first one.
What role does the horse play? Its reactions immediately show the quality of the leadership, it becomes a visual medium for the salesman and his customer as well as for the observing colleagues.
Top Executives
Five managers who had only recently started working together met at silent language to get to know each other better and to strengthen the team spirit in top management. In one situation, the five men stood in a circle. The "trainer" Mr Mir was with them. The six "men" stood so very calm, for a very long time.
I explained to the five managers that they were a good team and the question arose, how could I judge that?
Mr Mir is a Haflinger stallion who doesn't feel comfortable dealing with people who don't have much self-confidence or who aren't goal-oriented. He then tries to escape and runs to the gate. The fact that he now stopped in this circle, apparently satisfied, spoke for the good cooperation of the self-confident, goal-oriented team of five.