"the empty chair technique"
"the empty chair technique"with horses in coaching
In equine-assisted coaching, we use the principles of "the empty chair technique" to identify perspectives and relationship patterns. Horses play a special role here: they act as living “chairs” on which we can explore different positions and roles. They not only reflect our emotions, but also create a safe environment in which we can reflect on our inner and outer dynamics.
The idea behind "the empty chair technique": In "the empty chair technique", each chair symbolically represents a certain perspective or role - be it our own, that of another person or a specific situation. By consciously assuming these roles, we gain new insights and can look at relationships from a different perspective.
Using the horse as an “empty chair”: In our coaching, we use horses as living “empty chairs”. This means that the horse takes on the role or position of a person in your system without you having to get on the horse. Through this symbolic interaction, you can reflect on your relationship patterns and discover new ideas and resources.
Examples of working with horses as “empty chairs”:
Change of perspective
Relationship dynamics:If the horse represents a particular person or situation, you can explore your own emotions and thoughts about it.How does the horse react to your interactions and what does this say about your relationship with this person or situation?
Activate resources
The “Silent Language” of horses: Horses communicate non-verbally and offer us the opportunity to observe subtle signals and emotions. This “silent language” is an essential part of coaching.By paying attention to the subtle reactions of horses, we learn to reflect on our own behavioral patterns and emotions.
A practical example: A managing director from the Leipzig region had difficulties with his assistant, Ms. Müller (name changed).She seemed unfriendly and uncooperative to him, which is why he was considering dismissing her.
In one of our coaching sessions, we sent our co-trainer Raffaello, a horse, into the role of “Mrs. Müller”. The client and “Mrs. Müller” completed a course together that symbolized everyday life in the company. After the course, the client was annoyed: “Raffaello is just as unpleasant as Mrs. Müller!”
We then questioned the situation together: “How can that be? Raffaello doesn't know Mrs. Müller and doesn't speak our digital language. So how can he know what she's like?”
Insight: The client realized that Raffaello was reacting directly to him and his own emotions. The horse reflected his inner feelings without being influenced by them.
The solution:In further exercises with the horses, the client worked on how he would like to shape his relationship with his assistant. Six weeks later, after he had applied what he had learned in practice, he returned and told us that he would keep Ms. Müller.
Working on inner parts:Working with inner parts can also be supported by the horses' “Empty Chairs”. Inner parts are, for example, thought systems, perceptions, emotions or beliefs etc.. Horses can represent and mirror these parts, which leads to lasting self-awareness.This triggers new ideas and processes that make it possible to experience changes immediately and integrate them into everyday life.
By working with horses, you experience directly in the here and now how new ideas, processes and behaviors work and how they can affect your life.