

Mindfulness Trainings

Photo tp Procrastination

Procedure: A mindfulness exercise that can be used anywhere consists of concentrating fully on one's current activities, such as washing a plate or observing passers-by waiting for the train. Another exercise is to listen inside. How do I react? What is my body tension like? How do I breathe? With some experience you can observe your feelings as if they didn't concern yourself. The verbalization of perceived emotions helps to raise the subliminal movements into consciousness and thus to make them adjustable.

Background: The exercise serves to strengthen the second level of regulation, which slows down the affective initial reaction. Becoming aware of emotional processes while at the same time gaining distance.

(Eckhard Roediger, Franz Hütter)

ARTE TV – The History of Horse and Mankind

ARTE TV – The History of Horse and Mankind

How and why did mankind tame the horse? The documentary shows the world's last equestrian nomads: Siberian cowboys and American Blackfoot Indians. With the help of scientists, it makes the prehistoric horse and the Stone Age cultures, that tamed the horse 6,000 years ago and fundamentally changed Europe and the world, come to life again.


Procrastination – The Common Disease No. 1 by Daniel Hoch


With the postponement it behaves mostly like with the good resolutions. You take things very seriously, but when it comes to implementation, you hesitate, postpone and finally give up.



analysis: action of taking something apart to study it (wiktionary)



Bundesverband der Frau in Business und Management e.V. has been an effective and successful network for women in management positions for more than 20 years.

Bemmchen e.V. – The School Breakfast

Bemmchen e.V. – The School Breakfast

Silent language will be supporting the Bemmchen e.V. organization – The School Breakfast – in Leipzig. With every seminar that you book with us, they receive a certain amount of your paid contribution. Find out more about their goals:

Change Ma­na­ge­ment

Initiate, direct and carry out fundamental change processes in companies. Example: through a successful management of change, all colleagues were involved in the changes. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter. Use: economy. (Source: Duden-Online)



Special charisma of a person / horse :)

Synonyms to charisma: attractiveness, charisma, presence, charm

Origin: Latin charisma = gift < Greek chárisma

Grammar: the charisma; genitive: of charisma, charisms and charismata


Farewell to the Horse / Ulrich Raulff

Farewell to the Horse

'Scintillating, exhilarating ... you have never read a book like it ... a new way of considering history' Observer

The relationship between horses and humans is an ancient, profound and complex one. For millennia horses provided the strength and speed that humans lacked. How we travelled, farmed and fought was dictated by the needs of this extraordinary animal. And then, suddenly, in the 20th century the links were broken and the millions of horses that shared our existence almost vanished, eking out a marginal existence on race-tracks and pony clubs.

Farewell to the Horse is an engaging, brilliantly written and moving discussion of what horses once meant to us. Cities, farmland, entire industries were once shaped as much by the needs of horses as humans. The intervention of horses was fundamental in countless historical events. They were sculpted, painted, cherished, admired; they were thrashed, abused and exposed to terrible danger. From the Roman Empire to the Napoleonic Empire every world-conqueror needed to be shown on a horse. Tolstoy once reckoned that he had cumulatively spent some nine years of his life on horseback.

Ulrich Raulff's book, a bestseller in Germany, is a superb monument to the endlessly various creature who has so often shared and shaped our fate.

(Penguin Books 2018)

Success Factor Intuition: Systemic Coaching of Executives / Ariane Bentner & Marie Krenzin

Success Factor Intuition

In recent years, intuition – also known as emotional intelligence – has become an increasingly research topic. Various studies have shown that intuition can play a central role in decision-making situations, that it is often better to intuitively listen to one's "gut feeling" instead of spending too much time thinking about thoughts.

Claudia Feh, an expert on social behaviour of free-living horses

Claudia Feh, an expert on social behaviour of free-living horses

In 2004, Claudia Feh, an expert on social behaviour of free-living horses, raised a herd of Przewalski's horses in France and reintroduced some of them to their natural habitat. The horses – known as takhi in Mongolia and considered man’s messenger to the gods and a sacred idol – were not the only beneficiaries of her expertise and enterprise. Her project has also helped improve the lives of local nomads by enabling them to boost their income.




Many middle-class entrepreneurs and executives come to 'firm' to master a new challenge, to develop their personal potential, to clarify difficult situations, to promote team building, to accompany upcoming company changes or to discover completely new options for action.

Changing the Pace – A Therapeutic Exercise

Changing the Pace

Procedure: The three-step exercise begins with the most distant and emotionally distant self-observation possible, which can be supported by mindfulness exercises. What do I feel? How do I behave? The second step is to take another perspective that is as reasonable as possible. What would a wise person say? How do I see this in three years' time? The third step is to talk to yourself from this perspective. With practice, you can change your pace as soon as you notice that your feelings are boiling.

Background: A therapeutic exercise that aims to leave the emotional tunnel vision and enter into dialogue with internalized values.

High Talk

High Talk

High talk is, according to Dr. Peter Modler a rational, grounding, intellectual communication.

Horse Sense

Horse Sense

common sense (Langenscheidt Dictionary)

I Love Leipzig

I Love Leipzig

The "Wiki" of the most beautiful city in the world. Tickets, events, insider tips, personalities, and all parties.



1. The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

‘we shall allow our intuition to guide us’

2. A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

‘your insights and intuitions as a native speaker are positively sought’

(Oxford Dictionary)

Johari Window

Johari Window

The Johari window is a technique that helps people better understand their relationship with themselves and others. It was created by psychologists Joseph Luft (1916–2014) and Harrington Ingham (1916–1995) in 1955, and is used primarily in self-help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic exercise. Luft and Ingham called their Johari Window model 'Johari' after combining their first names, Jo and Harrington.

Lewin's Leadership Styles

Lewin's Leadership Styles

• Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic) – Authoritarian leaders make decisions independently with no input from the employees.

• Participative Leadership (Democratic) – Participative leaders encourage employees to participate in the decision-making process.

• Delegative Leadership (Laissez-faire) – Delegative leaders offer little or no guidance to employees and leave decision-making up to them.



The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Digital and Analogue Communication

The theory of human communication proposes that there are two types of communication:

  • Digital. What you say with words, which are the vehicle that contains the communication.
  • Analogue. All non-verbal communication, or how express yourself. The vehicle of the relationship.

Since time immemorial, animals have been ascribed a special intuition for the sincerity or falsehood of human actions; for it is easy to affirm something with words, but difficult to communicate a sincerity also analogously believably. A gesture or a facial expression tells us more about how someone else thinks about us than a hundred words.

(Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes, P. Watzlawick, Janet H. Beavin, Don D. Jackson, WW Norton & Co)

Limbic System

Limbic System

limbic system: A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).

(Oxford Dictionary)

To Let Go

To Let Go

to let go: release, undo the chains

Karen Mccomb – Professor of Animal Behaviour & Cognition (Psychology)

Karen Mccomb – Professor of Animal Behaviour & Cognition (Psychology)

Much of my research has used playback experiments to address questions about vocal communication and cognitive abilities in mammals in the wild, including work on red deer, African lions and elephants. Recently I have also been using presentations of visual stimuli (as well audio signals) to gain insights into emotional awareness and cognitive abilities in domestic horses and companion animals.


Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes, P. Watzlawick, Janet H. Beavin, Don D. Jackson

Pragmatics of Human Communication

Called “one of the best books ever about human communication,” and a perennial bestseller, Pragmatics of Human Communication has formed the foundation of much contemporary research into interpersonal communication, in addition to laying the groundwork for context-based approaches to psychotherapy. The authors present the simple but radical idea that problems in life often arise from issues of communication, rather than from deep psychological disorders, reinforcing their conceptual explorations with case studies and well-known literary examples. Written with humor and for a variety of readers, this book identifies simple properties and axioms of human communication and demonstrates how all communications are actually a function of their contexts.Topics covered in this wide-ranging book include: the origins of communication; the idea that all behavior is communication; meta-communication; the properties of an open system; the family as a system of communication; the nature of paradox in psychotherapy; existentialism and human communication.

(Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes, P. Watzlawick, Janet H. Beavin, Don D. Jackson, WW Norton & Co, Recommended by silent language, September 2014)

Meyer's Manege

Meyer's Manege

Riding training according to the principles of classical riding.

Move Talk

According to Dr. Peter Modler, move talk is non-verbal, often body-related communication.

Reit- & Sporthotel Nordmann, Stangerode, Deistraße 23 06456 Arnstein

Reit- & Sporthotel Nordmann, Stangerode, Deistraße 23 06456 Arnstein

Your hotel in the southern Harz mountains for wellness and recreation, hunting and riding, sports and leisure, culinary and health in the beautiful Harz mountains in Saxony-Anhalt.

PIXEM Robot Cameraman

PIXEM Robot Cameraman

If required, our seminars and workshops can be recorded by our PIXEM robot camera. This modern technology works independently and zooms in automatically, no manpower required for this service.

To Reflect

reflect: to use one's powers of conception, judgment, or inference.

Synonym Discussion of reflect (Merriam-Webster):

to think is general and may apply to any mental activity, but used alone often suggests attainment of clear ideas or conclusions.

to cogitate implies deep or intent thinking.

to reflect suggests unhurried consideration of something recalled to the mind.

to reason stresses consecutive logical thinking.

to speculate implies reasoning about things theoretical or problematic.

to deliberate suggests slow or careful reasoning before forming an opinion or reaching a conclusion or decision.

silent language

silent language

the quietest world language

Small Talk

Small Talk

According to Dr. Peter Modler, small talk is a verbal but non-intellectual communication.

Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.

(Oxford Dictionary)

The Silent Language / Edward T. Hall

The Silent Language / Edward T. Hall

In the everyday, but unspoken give-and-take of human relationships, the "silent language" plays a vitally important role. Here, a leading American anthropologist has analyzed the many qays in which people "talk" to one another without the use of words.

The pecking order in a chicken yard, the fierce competition in a school playground, every unwitting gesture and action—this is the vocabulary of the "silent language." According to Dr. Hall, the concepts of space and time are tools with which all human beings may transmit messages. Space, for example, is the outgrowth of an animal's instinctive defense of his lair and is reflected in human society by the office worker's jealous defense of his desk, or the guarded, walled patio of a Latin-American home. Similarly, the concept of time, varying from Western precision to Easter vagueness, is revealed by the businessman who pointedly keeps a client waiting, or the South Pacific islander who murders his neighbor for an injustice suffered twenty years ago.

"THE SILENT LANGUAGE shows how cultural factors influence the individual behind his back, without his knowledge." Erich Fromm



Training for Coaches! You can do this training with us, silent language. Information can be obtained here or in a personal conversation. We look forward to meeting you.



Firm conviction of the dependability, reliability of a person, thing, animal.

Synonyms to trust: Faith, basic trust, optimism, confidence, assurance.

Origin: Middle High German vertrūwen.

Grammar: the confidence; genitive: of confidence.


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Watzlawick, Paul

Watzlawick, Paul

Paul Watzlawick (July 25, 1921 – March 31, 2007) was an Austrian-American family therapist, psychologist, communication theorist, and philosopher. A theoretician in communication theory and radical constructivism, he commented in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy. Watzlawick believed that people create their own suffering in the very act of trying to fix their emotional problems. He was one of the most influential figures at the Mental Research Institute and lived and worked in Palo Alto, California.

How Real Is Real? / Paul Watzlawick

The connection between communication and reality is a relatively new idea. It is only in recent decades that the confusions, disorientations and very different world views that arise as a result of communication have become an independent field of research. One of the experts who has been working in this field is Dr. Paul Watzlawick, and he here presents, in a series of arresting and sometimes very funny examples, some of the findings.


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