
Frequently Asked Questions

We are often asked certain questions. We hope to be able to answer some of them here.

What is 'silent language'?

The coaching concept is called 'silent language' because the focus is on body language. The participants train non-verbal communication and learn to trust their own intuition. Leadership qualities and team spirit are to be strengthened in this way.

How should I prepare?

You don't have to prepare and bring anything with you. Although the seminars take place in a riding hall, it is recommended to dress according to the weather and to wear sturdy shoes.

Who 'translates'/explains to me what happens?

Before you can read the horse and yourself, Silke Mary Vollmers will help you to "read".

How long does a seminar take?

For an individual coaching you should plan about three hours with us. Follow-up seminars by arrangement. For groups the duration will be determined individually according to your needs. Please feel free to ask us.

How much is a seminar?

The cost for an individual coaching is € 360,00. Costs for follow-up seminars as well as for group seminars on request.

Can I give coaching as a gift?

Yes, you can purchase vouchers from us.

Does anyone see me (in case of acting clumsily)?

Our seminars take place in a protected room. Plus, there's no need of being afraid of anything your're doing within our seminars.

Do I need to have experience with horses?

No, you don't need to have any experience with horses. You lead the horse and receive a short briefing.

Are the seminars also available in English?

Sure, English is my mother tongue.

How many seminars are useful to feel an effect? Is one date enough?

For individual coaching, it is advisable to book three to four seminars. With team coaching, which cannot penetrate so deeply into the personality of the individual, a clear gain in knowledge can be felt even after a meeting.

Can anything happen to me during horse-supported coaching?

Our horses don't bite and don't kick. In general, they try not to step on anyone's feet, but you shouldn't rely on that. Horses are horses.

What if I'm afraid of horses?

That's all right. You will quickly find confidence and trust in the big animal. By the way, respect is appropriate in any case, just as it is for any living being. I also have respect for my horses.

How big are the horses?

Our horses vary in size. Mr Mir, for example, has a withers of about 1,40 m, Gavotte about 1,60 m.

How to register?

Please use the different possibilities via contact.

Do I have to come to you, or will you come to me – with the horse? What would you need on site?

We'd love to come to your place. However, this is worthwhile rather for a larger group. Grassland, preferably fenced, should be available.

Do I have to ride?

There is NO riding in our seminars. All exercises are done from the ground. You will lead the horse.

Do I get dirty?

Yes, that may happen, because you are in nature and have a close contact to horses.

How does 'silent language' work? What happens exactly?

In their body language, horses reflect their state of mind without restriction – and at the same time reflect us, their counterpart.

This means: Finest nuances of our posture and unconscious gestures can be visualized by horse-supported coaching.

How does the coaching work?

A detailed description can be found here.

What special benefits do I get from coaching with the horse?

Through your trainer, the horse, you will learn to analyse yourself, to reflect yourself, and to sustainably improve. The focus is on non-verbal communication and body language. Horses reflect their state of mind in their body language – and at the same time reflect us, their counterpart. This means: finest nuances of our posture and unconscious gestures can be visualized by horse-supported coaching.

What is the main difference to coaching without a horse?

The horse with its sensitive perception, neutrality and unbiased approach is the ideal coach. On the basis of its non-judgmental and unfiltered feedback, the seminar participants can analyse and reflect on their external impact, hidden behaviour patterns, the finest nuances of posture and unconscious gestures. The new findings are then immediately implemented and trained in the interaction with your coach's 'horsepower‘.

Is this coaching suitable for groups, teams, couples, children?

Our seminars and workshops can be realised in almost any constellation.

Which topics can be dealt with particularly well?

Defining goals and working out ways • Finding oneself • Learning to be in the here and now • How do I deal with decisions? • What are my priorities? • career issues • preparation for discussions • self-perception and external perception • team needs • personality development • How do I give and how do I get confidence? • How do I show and receive respect? • How do I deal with pressure? • How can I use what I have learned in my private and professional life?

For whom is 'silent language' suitable?

Managers • junior managers • private individuals • people in the identification phase • people who want to get clarity about themselves • people in a phase of decision • people who are interested in their personality development

How can I put what I have learned into practice?

You don't have to wait until the next meeting, but have the opportunity to directly implement and train newly gained knowledge during the training. Thus, the first successes are immediately noticeable. You'll learn that small changes in your inner attitude, posture and gestures can have unexpected effects – not only on your coach, the horse. At the end of the seminar we discuss your ‘homework‘. What do you want to practice and consolidate in everyday life? In order to achieve even greater effectiveness, you come to us three to four times, at intervals of six to eight weeks.

How often do you give 'silent language' seminars?

Frequently and regularly. Frequently enough to draw on a wealth of experience.

How much experience do you have?

I have had my company silent language for eight years. After further training as a coach, including systemic coach, I have gained a lot of experience and will continue to do so. I've been born to a horse family and have worked successfully in business for many years. My versatile cultural background also gives me invaluable knowledge. As the daughter of an English mother who grew up in Africa and a German father, I was born in Asia and grew up in Indonesia and Singapore. I spent a lot of time in Africa. After training in Germany, I lived and worked in England for several years before moving to Leipzig.

How do you work exactly? How do you proceed?

Working with my horses, I 'read' them while you lead the animals. My position is that of the translator. I contribute to making you aware of external signals.

Without horses, of course, I also listen to you and, together with you, find out facts that need to be worked on using various methods.

Do you offer coaching or parts of it, without a horse?

I offer coaching with horse and parts of it without horse, in addition also coaching completely without horse.

Why 'silent'?

It is about body language, transmission of thoughts without words, feelings, or simply about 'chemistry'…

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